The purpose of Children’s Ministry is to provide a safe and loving environment to learn God’s word. Each week we want to help kids learn Biblical truth and experience God. We provide support and training for the parents of Crossroads and the community. We feel it is important to provide the opportunity for children of accountable age to accept a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. It is our privilege to have a part in your child’s spiritual life at Crossroads Christian Church.


Nursery - Two’s
Our Nursery team takes great pride in
the fact that they win over every baby
eventually - so much so that babies often
don’t want to grow into bigger classes.
First lessons of loving God, His church,
and His people are the truths they learn.
With a great adult/child ratio, you can
feel secure about going into church

Preschool & Kindergarten
Some say it’s the snack. Others say it’s the craft or toys. But we know it’s our team that makes our preschool classes so popular with little people. Age appropriate story time, crafts, and play time teach Bible stories and important life lessons like sharing the play dough with your friends.

Opening Activity Time:
As children arrive they are welcomed into their room with a variety of activities. It’s all about choice, fun, and hang time with caring adults.

Worship & Teach
We offer worship during our 1st and 3rd hour times, it is active, fun, and meaningful. During our teaching time we use story telling, puppets, drama, occasional silliness, and during 1st and 3rd video clips and power point.

Small Groups
Children discuss the point of the Bible lesson for the day and how it applies to their own lives. They memorize scripture and share prayer requests. This is also when they connect more deeply with their leader and the other students.

1st-6th Grade Store
Your child will receive tickets each week for learning memory verses, good behavior, bringing their Bible, and bringing canned food for a local food pantry.
Store dates are as follows:
First Sunday of the month: 3rd-6th Grade
Last Sunday of the month: 1st&2nd Grade

1st, 2nd & 3rd SERVICE SCHEDULE

1st Service
Is more high tech but intimate. Preschool–6th grade will start with opening activity time. At a quarter after the hour 1st-6th grade will join together (Preschool and Kindergarten stay put) for breakfast, worship, Bible lesson, and game time. 15 minutes before church ends 1st-6th grade will return to their rooms for small group time.

2nd Service
Is a large group “Hands On” learning time. Preschool-6th grade will start with opening activities. Then they sit in a large group and engage in Bible story and application time. They will end with small group and play time.

3rd Service
Has live worship (for 1st-6th grade) and video elements. Preschool–6th grade will start with opening activity time. At a quarter after 1st-6th grade will join together (Preschool & Kindergarten stay put) for worship, Bible lesson, and game time. 15 minutes before church ends 1st-6th grade will return to their rooms for small group time.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Take Time to Soak

By Linda Ranson Jacobs

"You are my hiding place….." Psalm 32:7

What do you think about where you hear the word 'soak'? As a single parent you might think of soaking the kid’s play clothes that have so many stains on they will never see clean again. Or your mind might go to that pile of dishes in the sink that have been there for several days. Or if you are a single dad you might think about the oil stains on that new shirt.

For single moms probably the last thing that comes to your mind is soaking in a nice hot tub with bubbles surrounding you. That is a rarity for most single moms. For single dads it might be just standing in the shower soaking up the warmth of the water.

When my kids were younger every once in a while when I thought they were busy with homework, I would try to sneak in a bubble bath just for me. Never happened. They figured out real fast that when I was in the tub I was a captive audience. If I remembered to lock the door, they would lie down on the floor and talk through the crack in the door. On days when I would forget to lock the door, I had to be ready to pull the shower curtain across the tub because if they wanted to talk, they talked. Now that I look back, I’m glad my children felt they could turn to me, their mom, with their problems or just to talk to me about their day and their friends.

I don't want you to think about any of these things. I want you to take a few minutes to think about soaking in the Lord. Have you ever thought about just "soaking" in his Word? Let that sink in for a minute. Take a scripture, could be just a verse or two, find a minute of alone time, grab a cup of coffee or tea and just "soak."

This next week try taking Psalm 32:7 "You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Let the words…
* steep in your mind
* infuse into your heart
* drench your soul
* immerse your entire being

All of these words mean the same as "soak." He wants you to be like little kids who want so much to talk to their parent that they'll lie of the floor and talk through the slit between the door and floor. Or they will barge into the your quiet relaxing time, not caring if they are disturbing anything. They need for the one they love to give them attention and time. God wants the same for you. He is our Heavenly Father who wants us to just "soak" in him.

Special link for homeschool parents
